
foobar2000 起動 [File] メニュー→ [Preferences Ctrl+P] →  [Display] ツリー→   [Columns UI] ツリー→    [Layout] タブ→     [Presets (プリセット)] の [New (新規)] ボタン      Pro Special 4 と入力し [OK] ボタン     [Use the contextmenu to customise the layout (コンテキストメニューでレイアウトを設定します)] の      [Columns Playlist] を選択して右クリック→       [Change base] → [Splitters] → [Horizontal splitter]      [Horizontal splitter] を選択して右クリック→       [Insert panel] → [Splitters] → [Panel Stack Splitter]     以下、同様に追加し下記のようなレイアウトにする。

4.20 以降 (Panel Stack Splitter を 2 個追加) Horizontal Splitter └Panel Stack Splitter  ├Drag Panel  ├Panel Stack Splitter 0 (4.26 以降は Panel Stack Splitter 0 を削除)  ├Quick Search Toolbar 1  ├Playback order (4.36 以降は Playback order を削除)  ├Panel Stack Splitter 2  │└Browser Panel  ├Panel Stack Splitter 3  │└Browser Panel  ├Panel Stack Splitter 4  │└Browser Panel  ├Lyrics Art  ├Album Art  ├Channel spectrum panel  ├Lyrics panel  ├ELPlaylist  ├Panel Stack Splitter  │└Columns Playlist  ├Seek Panel  └Panel Stack Splitter 5   └Volume Panel

4.00 以降 (冗長な入れ子を削除) Horizontal Splitter └Panel Stack Splitter  ├Quick Search Toolbar  ├Playback order  ├Panel Stack Splitter  │└Browser Panel  ├Panel Stack Splitter  │└Browser Panel  ├Panel Stack Splitter  │└Browser Panel  ├Lyrics Art  ├Album Art  ├Channel spectrum panel  ├Lyrics panel  ├ELPlaylist  ├Panel Stack Splitter  │└Columns Playlist  ├Seek Panel  ├Volume Panel  └Drag Panel

3.61 以前 Horizontal Splitter └Panel Stack Splitter  ├Tabbed panel stack mod  │├Panel Stack Splitter  ││├Tabbed panel stack mod  │││├Panel Stack Splitter  ││││├Quick Search Toolbar  ││││├Playback order  ││││├Browser Panel  ││││├Panel Stack Splitter  │││││└Browser Panel  ││││└Browser Panel  │││├Panel Stack Splitter  ││││├Lyrics Art  ││││└Channel spectrum panel  │││├Panel Stack Splitter  ││││└Lyrics panel  │││└Panel Stack Splitter  │││ ├Album Art  │││ └Channel spectrum panel  ││└ELPlaylist  │└Panel Stack Splitter  │ └Panel Stack Splitter  │  └Columns Playlist  ├Seek Panel  └Volume Panel

  1. foobar2000 の使い方
  2. 音楽再生ソフト foobar2000
  3. Channel spectrum panel, Music Browser
  4. 一般設定・メディアライブラリ設定
  5. Panel Stack Splitter
  6. タグ編集
  7. Lyrics panel, freedb, フェイドアウト, Copy command

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